Friday, June 11, 2010

The Injured Runner

So yesterday was a scheduled 5k. It started out great, a little fast probably due to how great I felt. Then, sometime a little after mile one I started to feel some pain in my right shin area up to my knee. I continued to run it off. Half way through mile one the pain increased so I started to slow down. I really wanted to finish this 5k so I kept moving along. After all was said and done I was in a lot of pain. I got some water, an ice pack and, sat down. I started immediately icing my shin and knee.

Today I'm limping around complaining and, whining worse than Kate Gosselin.

Photo credit

I did a slow mile walk today at the park pushing the kids in the stroller and man did the hills hurt. I was really sore when I got home. I guess I'll be doing some cross-training next week.

Here's some charts for you. I'm going to try and post more of these weekly so you can see what I'm doing for my training. The 1st one is from last night you can definitely see where I was hurting. I used my Nike+ for that and, the second is from my slow walk today using the Run keeper app on my android phone. Which one do you prefer?

Anyone have any suggestions what I should do for my shin and knee?


Julie said...

Ice and rest. Be sure to rest, seriously, you can get stress fractures in your shins and that is really a PITA to get over, my friend had them and it took her over a year to get them healed because she didn't stay off her feet like she needed.

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

I also use Nike+ for my runs... and instead of runkeeper... I use dailymile. Both are a great way to help keep you accountable as well as allow you to see your progress! :)

I am sorry about your shin splints. Those are NO fun! Have you checked to see if it is your shoes? Perhaps try running/walking only on SOFT surfaces (no pavement)? Ice/Stretch/Rest :)

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