When you go to the doctor for stresses in your life they should totally prescribe running or walking!!
There have been some things that have been stressing me out lately. I get stressed pretty easy and, in the past have used food to calm me down. This week however I've been putting in a couple miles every other day and, it's been melting the stress right off me. (Hopefully pounds too!) I feel so great when I'm running almost like nothing can stop me. After my run I feel like I have accomplished so much and, am so proud of myself.
I signed myself up for a local 5k for August. This will be my first 5k I've ran since the last time sometime in 99' . I am currently following a cross between Hal Higdon's 5k plan and, Jeff Galloway's. I highly recommend both. I'm running every other day with cross training in between with my Saturday's as a rest day. I'm already planning on signing up for at least one more 5k before bravely signing up for a 10k!
If any of my readers have any tips for me on running a 5k and, or 10k please leave me a comment. I'd love to hear them!
Is That You, Spring?
1 hour ago