Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Running Tips

(Photo Source)

Who doesn't love fall? I know I do!!

I love everything about fall...the weather, the colors, the sports and, especially all the fun fall activities. With the fall weather, I find that I enjoy running outside so much more. I wanted to share with beginner runners some tips to follow while running during the fall months.

1. Dress the part: As the temperature drops you need to start adding layers of clothing on. Not too many as you will most likely be way to hot, as your body temperature rises as you run. I would add a light layer underneath a tee or over top. Something you can remove easily if need be. I list my fall favorites here.

2. Check the weather: This goes in hand with the above tips. During the fall months the weather can be very sporadic. One day it can be beautiful, the next it can be cold and snowing outside. You don't want to get stuck out on a long run in a tee shirt and it starts snowing. Brrr!

3.Watch your step: Wet leaves can be very hazardous. You don't want to slip and fall and cause injury. Leaves can also be covering a hole or ditch in the ground. Make sure you are watching where you are running.

4. Take a camera: The landscaping is so beautiful during the fall. If you don't mind lugging a camera around or your cellphone do so!! You'll enjoy all those pictures later!

5. Protect your Skin: Just because the Summer heat is gone doesn't mean you can't get sunburned. I remember last year during one of my races in the fall, I got a very bad sunburn on my face. I never even thought about it in the fall. It is still possible to happen. 

6. Sign up for a race: The fall months are GREAT for training time. You can get in more time with the cooler temps. Maybe sign up for that Half Marathon you've been wanting to do. Or go all out and sign up for a Full!!

7. Stay hydrated: It seems like when it's hot and humid out we are more prone to drinking water and staying hydrated. Then when the color temps come we forget about how important it is. It is still very important to stay hydrated even in the cooler temps. I am one who gets dehydrated fast so I carry a hydration belt. It is a belt worn around the waste that carries bottles full of water. The one I use specifically is a Fuel Belt.
However, there are other options out there from backpacks to handhelds. Also, make sure you are getting enough water days before leading up to a big event. Not just during.
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