Monday, October 4, 2010

Mamavation Monday

This week went insanely fast. As I mentioned last week, I sort of fell of the wagon for a bit and told myself I needed to jump back on. As a result of this I have decided to go back to the basics of what was working for me. I have gained some weight back from what I lost from the MILI challenge. I want to lose it again and for good. After reading Rachel Steffen's Motivation and accountability post last week on Running Rachel I realized I needed the accountability back. I have decided to post my scale pics again along with the Move it and Lose it Challenge participants. I will not be joining in the challenge but would like to post along with them. I NEED to be held accountable again. I need to challenge myself.

This week, I didn't do so bad. I got out there and participated in #5k day on Saturday. I worked out my #mamaguns and, I ate pretty healthy. I did have some beer's with some friends this weekend. Not so bad though, isn't good enough for me. Before, I was running 3-4x a week, working out everyday, sometimes 2x a day! I need to get back to that. I have joined in with the #commit2fit challenges Lisa, Rachel and, Leah are doing and, hope this also will help. Like I said before I really need challenges to push me.

On a happier note, this weekend we celebrated my father's 50th birthday and, my sister's birthday. We had alot to celebrate and, I am happy to announce I turned down the cake!! It's a step in the right direction!!


* Turned down the sweets.


*Need to commit more time to fitness.
*Need to unplug earlier at night.


*Drink more water!
*Add more veggies to my meals.
*Add more fiber to my meals.
*Add more movement/fitness to my day.

SISTA OF THE WEEK: A big congratulations to Shelley of @Momma_Oz for being the Sista of the Week!!

BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by SUBWAY. Subway is one of Mamavation's newest official sponsors. I absolutely love Subway and, so do my children. Subway will be giving away a $25 gift certificate. Check out Jared's new campaign on Twitter under the hashtag #commit2fit where Jared and, others discuss way's they are committing to fitness.

SISTAHOOD: If you are interested in pledging to the Mamavation Sistahood, Monday is the time to do it. Please go here for instructions. Invitations are done on Wednesdays over twitter.
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