For everyone who follows my blog, you know I'm doing a little struggling with my commitment to fitness. It seems September flew right by me and, I wasn't staying fit and healthy. Part of this was due to adjusting to changes in my schedule the other part was just pure laziness. Yep, I'm admitting it. I have fallen and, I am challenging myself once again to get back up and recommitting to be fit!
Some new challenges have come up over at #Mamavation and, they could not have come at a better time for me. The one I'm most excited about is the #Commit2fit challenge.
Subway and, Subway's main spokesperson Jared have launched a new campaign geared to recommitting yourself to fitness. Jared has put on a little weight over the past couple months and, wants to now lose this added weight. All of us know this happens, you lose sight sometimes as to why you committed to fitness in the first place. As a way to recommit himself he has started up this new challenge. As a way to recommit myself to being active and, fit I have joined in on his #Commit2fit challenge. If you are someone who is struggling with staying fit, please join us. You can follow the #Commit2fit hashtag on twitter. You can also check out Lisa, Leah and, Rachel's blogs who, all of which got the amazing opportunity to visit New York and, run with Jared on one of his training runs with him. They will also be sharing their experiences with the #Commit2fit campaign on their blogs.
I will be posting on my blog weekly answers to questions Lisa presents on her blog about the #Commit2fit challenge so make sure you come back to check my answers out weekly.