Thursday, November 8, 2012

I survived the Zombies!!

This past weekend my girlfriends and I participated in one of the most entertaining races yet.
 Yep, that's right...The Frederick Maryland  Mud Dog Run: Zombie Edition. I have been talking it up for the last couple weeks. I was super pumped but, really nervous too. This was my first mud run as well as first zombie run.

After meeting up with the ladies, we headed over early to the farm to get bibs and pictures. Everything went really smoothly at registration.  In Maryland this past weekend it was freezing. Thankfully, they had fires going for all us runners to keep warm while waiting around. I thought that was super thoughtful. After some pictures and dropping off our coats at the car we were ready for some fun.

We lined up among the sea of people, all excited to see our first Zombie. The race director started the race and we were off. What I thought was going to be an easy run/walk with some obstacles came to a screeching halt. The first obstacle was among us, tons of hay bales scattered among the course with a lot of Zombies coming at you. I screamed and ran as fast as I could. Dodging zombie left and right , as they reached for my flags. (Think flag football style.)  Some were hobbling and others were full on running after your flags. If you weren't running sprinting  from Zombies, you were doing an obstacle. The obstacles were pretty fun. Some were pretty challenging too. We faced a spiderweb of ropes to weave through, barbed wire to army crawl through with water underneath, chest deep water to stomp through, a slide to slide down, huge haystacks to climb over, fire barrels to go around, a couple walls to climb over, a balance beam log to walk scoot across. Then we finished with a jump over logs on fire!! Of course all the water ones were my least favorite because of the freezing temps. My fingers and toes were frozen when I was finished.Even with the freezing temps, it was the most fun I've ever had at a race before.

Pictures credited to: Key 103, Malleus Combat Sports and, Crystal Raines

At the end of the race you were corralled into two different finish lanes. One was for if you finished with flags, the other was for those with out. I somehow ended up in the alive. Ok, so technically I should never have finished with that flag, but somehow one got stuck up my shirt and well...the rest is history!

After the race you were given a Flying Dog beer glass. Which of course I was super stoked. I love Flying Dog beer. It's one of the best recovery drinks ever! Inside our glass was a token for a free beer and a coupon for a free sandwich or soup. Really?!? How did they know I was super hungry! We went and got our sandwiches. The after party band was pretty amazing. I was also pretty surprised to see the party tent was heated.

We followed Mud Dog's advice and packed an extra set of clothes. After we wrangled those wet muddy clothes off and warmed up in out sweats and sweatshirts all was good in the world again. We were adrenaline rushed and toasty!

Overall a fantastic time, I would run it again!! My girlfriends and I talked about doing the regular Mud Dog in the warmer weather next.

Check out this video that Key 103 posted on their Facebook. They had 5 or so people participating with us. They were with us for the most part. You can see us in the video a bunch of times. The dude with the head cam on even knocked one my friends down on the water slide. Lol. Too funny!

Check back for more pictures!
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