Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mamavation Monday

It's that time again...Mamavation Monday!!

First off, I wanted to thank once again Leah Segedie, the founder of Mamavation for making it possible to be a part of this wonderful social media "Sistahood". I want to also thank Earth Footwear for the amazing prizes they offered us in the "Move it and Lose it Challenge. If you didn't already know, I won the challenge. Wahoo! I worked my butt of but, I owe alot of it to my readers and fellow sista's for all the support they offered. There is no way I would have gotten up and got moving if it weren't for all of you. Thank you so much!

So, I know alot of people have been asking what I'll be using the prize money for. I am not 100% positive just yet what I will be using it for but, as soon as I decide I'll let you know! I did however, promise myself that as I hit mini goals I would be "rewarding" myself. I have hit two goals since applying for Mamavation mom. I hit my 10% weight loss goal and, my halfway mark at 25lbs loss. What's my reward? I will be taking a visit to my local shoe store where I will be receiving a gait analysis and purchasing a pair of Fantastic running shoes!! I have not decided what my other reward will be. What do you guys think it should be??

On to my weekly check in:

Strengths: I finished week 2 of C25k. I still feel like I am not running enough on this program but, I know it will help me in the long run so I am sticking with it. I signed myself and, my oldest son up for our next race on September 12, 2010. I will be running the 5k and Big C will be running the 1 mile fun run. I am super proud of him that he is sticking with this! I drank all of my 100 oz. of water this week.

Weaknesses: Last week was my birthday weekend and, I was a good girl cause it was my last week to weigh in for the challenge and I was afraid a crazy weekend out would make me gain so I skipped out. Not to mention I had no sitter available. So this weekend I went out and celebrated with lots of food and, good beer. I had a great time but, I totally know it wasn't the best for me. Sometimes we have to give in a bit...right? lol.

Goals: Monday: 30 min Kettlebell workout
Tuesday: Kick Boxing Class, Week 3 Day 1 of C25k
Wednesday: EAS Active
Thursday: Kick Boxing Class, Week 3 Day 2 of C25k
Friday:  30 min Kettlebell Workout, EAS Active
Saturday: Week 3 Day 3 of C25k
Sunday: Rest Day

One last thing: I have decided to take a small break from weighing in. I felt with the challenge I started to obsess a bit with what my numbers were and, if I gained or loss. I will be putting away the scale for a while and just put my focus back on eating healthy and getting in my workouts.

On to some housekeeping:

MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV.
This Monday we will be welcoming Mamavation's newest Nutritional Coach, Cynthia Pasquella. I am really looking forward to meeting her and listening to what she has to say. I have so many questions to ask. Her website has lots of awesome info too, you should definitely check that out if you have time.
SISTA OF THE WEEK: And a BIG congratulations to Janice @fitcheerldr for being the Sista of the Week! Janice has been so supportive and, so helpful to me! She's one of my inspirations. Running 5k's fully preggo! Thank you Janice...You rock!
BLOGGING CARNIVAL:This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by SoCal Cleanser, a protein and detox product. SoCal Cleanse organic protein +detox is ideal for detoxifying and cleansing.
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